Had to make a new CSS sheet after seeing the tricks that can be done with CSS, so here is the new updated navigation bar! "Y444444444444444444Y!!1!", in the usually non-sequiteur words of Woogy.
Other things are being added to the site, also! At the moment, the most important will be a link my radio stream, which operates on scheduled hours related to times whenever I work at clubs on Second Life. Those hours are subject to change, as I open up using the stream to play other sets in between the periods when I am not running for a club. Please look forward to it.
This is the only time the main page will be displaying updates, as I will be adding an update section for the main page, as well as temporarily placing the Developer's Log there. When the menu expands, I will be making new sections with corresponding indexes. After the updates page has been made, the main page will become where the most recent content update will be posted.
In other news, I got a new mechanical keyboard today! Wow, red switches still got a nice click to them!